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Empowering Innovation with AI and Analytics

Health Management Decentralized Application

Business Overview

  • As the pandemic hit, our client wanted to build a platform backed by blockchain technology that can benefit the doctors/practitioners as well as the end-users/patients.
  • The client’s requirement was to develop an innovative digital health management decentralized application designed to help families embark on their health journey.


  • To build a platform that helps our practitioners monitor, review, and manage patients’ health and offer an online diagnosis.
  • All the health records of the patients are stored on the blockchain network that is transparent, safe, and immutable.

What did we develop?

A decentralized app that is feature-packed and easy to use for both parties. Payments were completed in fiat/cryptocurrencies. We also developed a wallet that users can recharge allowing users to store and use their money whenever they want.


  • Easy accessibility to users’ health records

  • Provision to check users’ health directly via the app.

  • Family members can link their accounts to each other easily

  • Alert notifications on the latest report to be diagnosed.


  • Easy access to all the medical facilities

  • One-click will lead to specialized doctors

  • No need to keep and share reports every time. Once uploaded on the app, both doctors and patients can access it easily.

  • Alert notifications on the latest report.

Features of the decentralized application

Personalized healthcare services icon

Personalized healthcare services

Organized, safe, and immutable database icon

Organized, safe, and immutable database

Reliability and transparency Icon

Reliability and transparency

Chat, audio call icon

Chat, audio call, and video call option with the doctor in real-time.

Tech Stack


Node js

Node js


Angular Icon



  • An easy-to-navigate decentralized healthcare family health management application was developed successfully.